Flatbed Haulers and Winter Weather

Posted by Ken Webb on

Now that winter weather has arrived, many flatbed loads require tarps for protection from the elements and road grime.
Tarps can be heavy and awkward; choose the right tarp for the job to control the size, weight, and strength needed to handle it. Use mechanical aids to apply and remove tarps. When moving the tarp by hand, use good body mechanics. Face the tarp, keep your back straight and pull the tarp out with your hands at about waist height. Avoid twisting or pulling down with your arms overhead.  Keep a firm grip on the tarp to prevent slipping. Spread your feet, shoulder-width apart and stagger them slightly for the most power and stability. Watch for surface winds or gusts from traffic that could cause the tarp to fly away. 

To remove a tarp, loosen it by fanning to move air underneath. Use your arms, legs and body weight to pull the tarp off the truck; watch for unstable loads! Lay the tarp out on a clean, flat area and check for holes or damage. Don’t walk on tarps to avoid slips and tarp damage. Get help to fold it. 
Plan a pickup or delivery job before you drive to a site. Know the site layout for the customers you visit most. Get advanced information on the load or material details and loading/unloading procedures, including available equipment and help. Consider the truck type, height, and access points before you go. Ask directly about the tarping policy; can it be done on site, or will you need to find a safe area outside the facility? Never tarp on the side of a busy road or highway.
Check Out Our Products: Flatbed Products or email for expert information or with specific questions. 


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