Reflective Webbing has been woven for years but was always very expensive, often 5x the price of comparable strength, standard webbings. Recently, industrial use of the reflective material has built up a large enough volume, economies of scale allow a generally broader use where it had been previously over-priced. We now see premium priced webbing offer reflectivity at a 1.5 multiple, far less than the prices in the past.
Reflective web is an ideal solution as a visible tie down for underground utility workers, on flatbed ratchet strap assemblies while hauling at night, used on straps in enclosed auto hauling trailers or horse trailers, and for securing tools and boxes aboard boats or on offshore oil platforms.
All tightening hardware like ratchets or cam buckles and all end fittings like wire hooks, flat hooks, D-rings, chain extensions, O-Rings and sewn loops are possibilities.
Please contact your RatchetStrap.com sales department to discuss custom straps or tie downs using reflective webbing.
Check Out Our Products: Ratchet Strap Products or email info@ratchetstrap.com for expert information or with specific questions.