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Center of Gravity of Your Loaded Vehicle

Posted by Ken Webb on

One of the most under-discussed topics of Proper Load Securement regards the Center of Gravity after your Vehicle has been Loaded. By now, drivers understand the force of gravity and how the 'G's pull in each direction: By now, this should be well understood from your training and from your driving experiences.  However, the 'feel' of these forces change as transported load moves the vehicle's Center of Gravity.  More often than not, the Center of Gravity of a loaded vehicle rises, that is the point is higher and it is slightly further back, toward the rear of the vehicle.It is becoming more...

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Auto Towing Is Harder Than It Looks

Posted by Ken Webb on

Todayā€™s advice is to know what youā€™re doing when you tie down heavy cargo, like vehicles on trailers being pulled behind SUVā€™s. will post the proper way to secure vehicles on a trailer.

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